What to do when you need to make cookies for class and you're too busy to even think about pulling out the jar of flour? Dress up an already-awesome cookie.
Trader Joe's Peppermint Jo-Jos are a holiday-only treat, and I can't stop eating them. They taste like Girl Scout Thin Mints, but they look like Oreos, and they have the perfect blend of chocolate and peppermint.
I didn't, however, just want to bring a box of them to class. I wanted it to look as if I at least gave a thought to what I was bringing.
So out came the semi-sweet chocolate and the candy canes. Each cookie got a little chocolate bath before a receiving a sprinkling of crushed red and white jewels. This couldn't have been easier (well, I could have done without burning my first batch of chocolate, but it was late, what do you want from me?) and they couldn't look prettier. Not too pretty to eat, though, believe me.
Update 12/7/07 - During class, my teacher picked one of these up and started to gesture with it as he spoke. He took a bite and then stopped talking. "I'm sorry," he said, looking at the cookie, "but I'm distracted by all this peppermint." Mine were the only treats to be finished off before the end of the night.
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